Accidents happen. It’s part of growing up. Children need constant monitoring when they are tiny and learning about the world around them. In this email we take a look at some handy tips on how to spot dangers and prevent accidents that can sometimes have tragic consequences.
Baby and child first aid
Keep your little ones safe with the British Red Cross baby and child first aid app. Packed with useful videos, easy to follow advice and a test section – it’s free and simple to download. There is also a handy toolkit where you can record your child's medication needs and any allergies.
The information is all on the app itself, meaning you don’t need an internet connection and can access it on the go.
In the garden
Garden trampolines can be a great source of fun and exercise for children, however figures suggest half of all childhood injury A&E admissions in the UK are because of trampolining accidents. The Royal Society of the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA) has a wealth of information to help protect you and your family including tips and advice on the use of garden trampolines.
In the home
Babies and toddlers are constantly developing and as they get older its only natural that they want to explore. ROSPA has provided lots of ideas and ways you can keep children safe in the home, including:
If your child has an accident and it is not an emergency, call NHS on 111 or visit online:
- to get help for your symptoms, if you're not sure what to do
- how to find general health information and advice
Don't Forget: In an emergency call 999 and await further instructions.
Take care,
NHS Mid and South Essex