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Charging Policy Temporary Amendment - Covid-19 Restrictions


  • Non funded 2 year olds – agreed attendance pattern to be paid in full.


  • 15 hour funded 2/3/4 year olds – if we are unable to offer all the funded sessions that have been claimed for lunches/clubs can be included in agreed funded attendance pattern up to a maximum of claimed hours. This is a temporary measure during these exceptional circumstances. Any hours in excess of the claimed hours to be paid in full.


  • 30 hour funded 3/4 year olds – agreed attendance pattern to be funded up to a maximum of claimed hours. Any hours in excess of the claimed hours to be paid in full.


  • Agreed sessions – will be charged for, if not covered by funding, if a child is sick or absent for any other reason.



To form Appendix B of Charging and Remission policy


Ratified July 2020